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Carrier Signs Letter of Support for Corporate Coalition for Innovation & Technology Toward Net Zero

The global transition to cleaner energy sources is underway. Collaboration and partnerships across governments, international organizations and businesses are needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and other ambitious targets to reduce emissions while maintaining energy security and reliability. Businesses are rising to the task by working closely with partners in the public and private sectors and contributing to innovation to simultaneously decarbonize industrial activities while promoting long-term sustainable development.

With the understanding that innovation and technology are fundamental to enabling countries to meet their decarbonization, climate change and sustainable development goals, the undersigned CEOs are proud members of CCITNZ, the Corporate Coalition for Innovation & Technology Toward Net Zero.

CCITNZ intends to serve as an accelerator for industries across sectors and geographies to innovate and develop breakthrough technologies to help achieve these goals. The objectives of CCITNZ include:

Innovation and Technology: Promote concrete, practical and cost-effective technology solutions to tackle emissions and decarbonization challenges;

Partnership: Promote strong partnerships with stakeholders in the private, public and social sectors across international venues and forums to enable solutions beyond what any one stakeholder can realize;

Energy Security: Partner with governments and other stakeholders to advance energy security, decarbonization and sustainable development needs;

Policy: Support sound public policies that are consistent with improving environmental effectiveness and foster innovation; and

Resource: Provide expertise and thought leadership to governments and other stakeholders on technology and innovation as they seek to achieve their decarbonization and climate change goals.

With these shared objectives as our guide, CCITNZ was announced at COP27 alongside the U.S. Department of State in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. With COP28 in the United Arab Emirates as a milestone for climate action, we’re excited to play a key role in advancing innovation and technology across the public and private sectors.