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Healthy Homes: A Home that Works for You
At Carrier, we recognize that our homes play an increasingly impactful role in our lives. In fact, we now spend 90% of our time indoors – often at home – as residential spaces serve as gyms, offices, schools, restaurants and so much more.  
Our new Healthy Homes video shows how you can make your home a safer, healthier space for you and your family.  
Carrier's Healthy Homes’ product offering addresses key foundations of healthy spaces as outlined by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health's “Homes for Health: 36 Expert Tips to Make Your Home a Healthier Home” report, which was funded, in part, by Carrier. 
To learn more about Carrier’s suite of targeted solutions that can improve the overall health of your home and family, visit Carrier’s Healthy Homes Program page.